The Knowles Family Fund for Jarrow image

The Knowles Family Fund for Jarrow

Please donate today and support Jarrow Montessori School through the pandemic.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

A Letter from the Knowles Family

Dear Friends,

As Jarrow parents since 2013 and Montessori kids ourselves, we have a deep connection with the school. As you know, it is hard for us all to watch the profound impact the COVID-19 crisis has had on the world and our Jarrow community.
We consider Jarrow a second home for our family. We are committed to the well-being and future of Jarrow because we've seen what a positive impact it has had on our children and our family over the past eight years.
We find ourselves wanting to help now more than ever and want to inspire other families to help as well. We established an assistance fund for our school which will provide immediate support for teacher and staff salaries, campus maintenance, tuition relief, and to help bridge the gap left by the cancellation of our Annual Gala.
The fund is meant to motivate our community to come together and support one another -- our families, teachers, and staff. We are going deep into our pockets at a very tenuous time and we urge you to join us.
We have pledged $25,000 in seed money to get the fund off the ground. Please pledge your support today to keep our school strong. No amount is too small.
Join us to keep our school’s legacy alive.
Thank you,

Abby and Drew


Questions about donating? Please email Shannon Marth at Thank you!